Line News & Events

  • Beyond Ellesmere Port

    3rd June 2024

    A long-term vision for a ‘metro’ styled service around the Mersey Basin …

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  • Summer 2023 Newsletter

    The North Cheshire Rail Users Group have published their Summer  Newsletter ....

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  • Halton Curve Campaign

    29th February 2020

    The North Cheshire Rail Users Group was last night officially recognised for 30 years hard work ....

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  • Frodsham Footbridge Project

    8th December 2019

    A temporary scaffold footbridge will now NOT be provided at Frodsham ....

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  • Castle Park Semaphore Signal Unveiling

    1st June 2019

    30 years of campaigning officially came to an end today on Saturday 1st June as two semaphore signals were unveiled in Castle Park .....

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  • The Halton Curve

    19th May 2019

    The Halton curve finally opened on 19th May 2019 ....

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APPG Reception

10th September 2016

A delegation from the NCRUG visited the House of Parliament on the 7th September, at the invitation of Jason McCartney MP, Chairman of the "All Party Parliamentary Group", to hear presentations by the Paul Maynard MP (Transport Minister),  David McDonald (Shadow Transport Minister), Leo Goodwin  (Managing Director of TPE),  Alex Hynes (Managing Director - ATN) and Cllr. Liam Robinson (Chairman of RailNorth).

They each delivered presentations to stakeholders in the railway industry emphasising the step changes taking place which would be transformational while also showing their commitment by ordering rolling stock worth £1bn which would be of higher specification and which will be delivered by 2020.
New trains, new services and new infrastructure were all mentioned whilst the elephant in the room, Nationalisation, was mentioned by the Shadow Transport Minister.

Liam Robinson, finished the speeches by referring to "RailNorth" as the strategic driver for devolution in the North.
It is reassuring that despite the recent changes in Government and those who drive policy, the message for improvements in rail infrastructure and rolling stock in the north of England continues to focus the minds of all.
Local issues we were able to discuss were Halton Curve, Helsby to Ellesmere Port, new ATN "Connect Services" and the proposed Community Rail Partnership for North Cheshire together with issues affecting the new Welsh franchise.
The Delegation was able to speak directly with Alex Hynes (ATN), Liam Robinson (RailNorth), Carolyn Watson (ATN), John O'Grady (ATN), Craig Harrop (ATN),  Jim Trotman (Community Rail Cumbria) together with various other consultants and stakeholders.


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