Line News & Events

  • Summer 2024 Newsletter

    The North Cheshire Rail Users Group have published their Summer  Newsletter ....

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  • Beyond Ellesmere Port

    3rd June 2024

    A long-term vision for a ‘metro’ styled service around the Mersey Basin …

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  • Halton Curve Campaign

    29th February 2020

    The North Cheshire Rail Users Group was last night officially recognised for 30 years hard work ....

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  • Frodsham Footbridge Project

    8th December 2019

    A temporary scaffold footbridge will now NOT be provided at Frodsham ....

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  • Castle Park Semaphore Signal Unveiling

    1st June 2019

    30 years of campaigning officially came to an end today on Saturday 1st June as two semaphore signals were unveiled in Castle Park .....

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  • The Halton Curve

    19th May 2019

    The Halton curve finally opened on 19th May 2019 ....

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Runcorn East

Improving Runcorn East Station has always proved to be a difficult challenge over the years eclipsed by success at Helsby & Frodsham.

In 2013 it was following a similar path as the station has looked rather overgrown for most of the year.

However, thanks to the efforts of the North Cheshire Railway Users Group, Halton Borough Council and Arriva Trains Wales(ATW), the station was given a facelift in preparation for its 30th anniversary on 18th October 2013 with newly planted areas, a deep clean and improved signage.

Plans also included the creation of Poppy and Wild Flower Gardens in preparation for the centenary commemoration events for the First World War commencing 2014. In addition to providing a splash of colour these will enable better management of the grounds at Runcorn East and also improve the station by encouraging a managed but natural environment. 

Funding for a Community led project, based around the station has been obtained and will provide opportunities for more residents to become involved in activities that will improve the station for the local community and residents and rail users. 

The Birthday Celebration took place at 11.00 on the 18th October with about forty people present.

The Railway Chaplain called the ceremony to order, the “Last Post” was sounded by the Salvation Army bugler followed by the “Exhortation.“ 

A minute’s silence, followed by “Reveille,” preceded a short speech by the Lady Mayor. The poppy seeds were broadcast on the garden by the Mayor and those present.

Supporters then proceeded to the Murdishaw Community Centre for tea, sandwiches and cake with presentations from Youth & Community Groups who will be involved in future projects. 

In 2013, Runcorn East Railway Station won its first award at Cheshire Best Kept Station awards evening.  This was followed up in 2014 by winning the Youth Challenge Award which reflected work undertaken by young persons under the National Citizen Scheme (NCS) formerly the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme to create a garden adjacent to the station building funded by Arriva Trains Wales (ATW) - this also won a local award from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). In addition an art project was undertaken by local schools and this resulted in the children's art work being reproduced  by the Mersey Forest/Halton Borough Council with funding from Ineos Chlor Chemicals. This work is displayed on the lamp standards on the sloping paths which lead to the station platforms. 

Involvement with the Theatre in the Quarter Group from Chester also saw a World War 1 (WW1) Commemorative event take place at the Station as it did at over thirty other railway stations across Cheshire during September 2014; this culminated in a community event at the nearby Murdishaw Community Centre.

Resigning in the station Car Park and station area has also taken place following representations to Halton Borough Council(HBC) who have also provided community notice boards either side of the railway, at the access points during January 2015.

New signage has been affixed to the Station building, indicating that it is a "Railway Station" with the double arrow symbol and the station name so that passengers on the "Busway" can readily identify the stations location.  Additionally hard standing has been provided in front of the ATW and Community Notice Boards on the car park side of the station - the latter was installed just before Christmas 2015(see news section for picture).

These are small but appropriate improvements to the station that enhance the passengers interaction with the station and ATW - they make things just that bit easier.  ATW are to be congratulated for making these improvements to the facilities which NCRUG has suggested.

Runcorn East - Autumn Garden Scene

Although there are no trains at Runcorn East on a Sunday currently (27th November 2016) and replacement buses are working (see Arriva website for current situation), NCRUG's new volunteer Andy has been working in the gardens adjoining the station building and has been planting some winter bedding plants and clearing away the leaf fall.

In addition the wood bark has been hoed through and the weeds removed.

Andy's efforts over last weekend are much appreciated.

The pansies along the garden fence and next to the station building, which can be seen above, should allow a few highlights to show through the winter and into the spring.

In addition a new wreath for "The fallen railway men" has been displayed and additional crosses were installed on Remembrance Day.

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